Sightings Occurrence Classification
Birds of Malta has a vast number of contributors comprising of local birdwatchers, hunters and trappers which are spread all over the Maltese archipelago and even out at sea in Maltese waters.
Sightings are assessed and these have been classified in the following categories and are subjective to the author of the page. However the description gives a very good indication of the occurrence related with each species.
Very rare
Very Scarce
Fairly common
no evidence to confirm if the bird was either a record or imported
a species that was locally introduced into the wild
appeared beyond the migrating/normal habitat range (<20 records)
very few sightings that may be seen over a large number of years
very few sightings that may be seen over a few years
seen in very few sightings during the year or migration period
seen in small quantities during the year or migration period
seen in good quantities during the year or migration period
seen in substantial quantities during the year or migration period