Pigeons & Doves
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Rock Dove (Feral Pigeon)
Maltese name/s
Scientific binomen
Sighting occurrence
Seen individually or in small groups.
Clearly smaller than Wood Pigeon. Plumage highly variable, and some morphs quite similar to Stock Dove. Differs from latter in complete dark wingbars on secondary coverts (not only inner coverts). Back light grey, contrasting with darker grey neck and head. Often with white patch at lower back, but not always. Underside of wings very pale, and dark trailing edge of tail fairly narrow. Lacks Wood Pigeon's white wing-patches. Feral Pigeon is the same species as Rock Dove. The existence of a population of pure wild Rock Doves without any mixed genes from feral populations anywhere in the world is debateable. There are many traits that can determine a bird as feral (like asymmetrical pigmentation), but birds with "classic" wild Rock Dove plumage also exists in the feral populations.
Mainly seeds including corn, oats, cherry, and barley. In cities, feral pigeons also eat popcorn, cake, peanuts, bread, and currants.
Longevity record
8 years 1 month (Fiound dead in the UK, EK 12066ands, 167353)
Usually seen in
All months / resident birds
Occasionally seen in
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Length (cm):
Wingspan (cm):
Weight (g):
30 - 35
62 - 68
230 - 370

Stock Dove
Maltese name/s
Scientific binomen
Sighting occurrence
Seen individually.
Clearly smaller than Wood Pigeon, and lacks white wing-patches. Most susceptible to confusion with Feral Pigeon. Differs from latter in incomplete dark wing-bars, covering only inner secondary coverts. Colour of back same grey tone as neck and head. Never with white patch at lower back. Underside of wings grey, with clearly defined dark frame. Black trailing edge of tail fairly broad. Dark eyes not as in Wood Pigeon or Rock Dove/Feral Pigeon.
Stock Doves eat seed, leaves, buds, berries and grain
Longevity record
12 years 7 months (Killed in Switzerland, 930722)
Tudun tas-Siġar
Columbia oenas
Very rare
Usually seen in
Occasionally seen in
March, May, September, November - December
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Length (cm):
Wingspan (cm):
Weight (g):
28 - 32
60 - 66
250 - 300
Pictures taken abroad

Common Woodpigeon
Maltese name/s
Scientific binomen
Sighting occurrence
Usually seen individually but can be seen in small groups of a few individuals.
A large, grey pigeon with white patches on side of neck (adults) and conspicuous white wing-bands. Broad, dark terminal tail-band, and dark grey primaries. Underside of wings with little contrast between coverts and primaries/secondaries. Juveniles lacks white neck patches.
Mainly seeds and leaves. Occasionally vegetables.
Longevity record
17 years 8 months (A ringed bird in the UK, FV 67324)
Usually seen in
March - April, September - November
Occasionally seen in
January - February, May, June - July
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Length (cm):
Wingspan (cm):
Weight (g):
38 - 43
68 - 77
400 - 600
European Turtle Dove
Maltese name/s
Scientific binomen
Sighting occurrence
Seen individually or in small groups but sometimes in large flocks.
A small pigeon with barred neck-patch. Coverts and scapulars are dark with orangy-brown edges, giving the back a distinct scaly pattern. Neck and chest pink-grey, and belly white. In flight, the dark tail with contrasting, broad white band, is conspicuous in all plumages. Underside of wings grey, as opposed to Collared Dove. Upperside tri-coloured in black, grey and orangy-brown. Juveniles are drab, pale buff, and lacks the neck-patch.
Their diet is usually seeds, grains, berries, and fruits. Occasionally, they also eat worms, insects, spiders, snails, and fungi. They are opportunistic, and eat just about any type of food they can find.
Longevity record
13 years 2 months (A shot bird in the Netherlands, 167353)
Streptopelia turtur
Fairly common
Usually seen in
April - May, August - October
Occasionally seen in
March, June - July, November
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Length (cm):
Wingspan (cm):
Weight (g):
25 - 27
49 - 55
107 - 140

Eurasian Collared Dove
Maltese name/s
Scientific binomen
Sighting occurrence
Usually seen individually for migrating individuals. Seen in small numbers for resident individuals.
A small, long-winged and pale buff-grey pigeon, with characteristic black half-collar stretching from the hind-neck to the sides. Most likely to be confused with the African Collared Dove, but the primaries are darker making a contrast with the other wing feathers and have a grey undertail.
Mainly seeds but occasionally feeds on insects.
Longevity record
17 years (A bird found dead in the UK, ED 04205)
Gamiema tal-Kullar
Streptopelia decaocto
Fairly common
Usually seen in
April - May, September
Occasionally seen in
June, August, October, all other months for resident birds
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Length (cm):
Wingspan (cm):
Weight (g):
31 - 34
48 - 56
125 - 195

African Collared Dove
Maltese name/s
Scientific binomen
Sighting occurrence
A feral species that has been introduced in some localities and is breeding regularly in the wild such as in Pembroke, Mqabba, Buskett and Attard.
A small, long-winged and pale buff-grey pigeon, with characteristic black half-collar stretching from the hind-neck to the sides. Most likely to be confused with the Eurasian Collared Dove, but the primaries are lighter making it paler with no contrast with the other wing feathers. The undertail is paler whereas in the Eurasian Collared Dove this is grey.
Mainly seeds and other plants, including cultivated grains. They will also eat berries, insects and snails.
Longevity record
10 years
Usually seen in
all months for resident birds
Occasionally seen in
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Length (cm):
Wingspan (cm):
Weight (g):
26 - 27
45 - 50
130 - 166

Laughing Dove
Maltese name/s
Scientific binomen
Sighting occurrence
Usually seen individually.
Formerly known as the 'Palm Dove'.
The laughing dove is a long-tailed slim pigeon. It is pinkish brown on the underside with a lilac tinged head and neck. The head and underparts are pinkish, shading to buff on the lower abdomen. A chequered rufous and grey patch is found on the sides of the neck and are made up of split feathers. The upper parts are brownish with a bluish-grey band along the wing. The sexes are indistinguishable in the field. Young birds lack the chequered neck markings. The legs are red.
Laughing doves eat the fallen seeds, mainly of grasses, other vegetable matter and small ground insects such as termites and beetles. They are fairly terrestrial, foraging on the ground in grasslands and cultivation.
Longevity record
10 years
Usually seen in
September - October
Occasionally seen in
April - May, July
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Length (cm):
Wingspan (cm):
Weight (g):
23 - 26
40 - 45
125 - 196

*Some information was sourced from ''BirdID Nord University''.